HERITAGE - Group Exhibition
25 - 30 October 2024
Mongol Art Gallery
25 - 30 October 2024
Mongol Art Gallery
МУЭ-ийн гишүүн, Дүрслэх урлагийн академи-н Уран Сийлбэрийн багш, сийлбэрч Чогсомжавын ЭРДЭНЭБИЛЭГ болон Шинэ Өглөө Нийгэмлэгийн гишүүн, Дүрслэх Урлагийн Академийн Уран Сийлбэрийн багш, зураач, сийлбэрч Саяхүүгийн ЦЭНГЭЛ нарын 2009-2021 оны элсэлтийн төгсөгч, шавь нарын хамтарсан "#ӨВ"үзэсгэлэн Mongol Art Gallery-н III давхарт 10 сарын 25-наас 30-ны өдрүүдэд дэлгэгдэж олны хүртээл болно.
Үзэсгэлэнгийн нээлт: 2024 оны 10 сарын 25, 16:00
Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл авах: 9971-1010, 9171-0999
"ӨВ" Уран сийлбэрчдийн хамтарсан үзэсгэлэнгээр Ч.Эрдэнэбилэг болон С.Цэнгэл болон 23 шавь нарын 30 гаруй бүтээлийг үзэх боломжтой.
Member of the Mongolian Artists' Union and teacher of Sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts, sculptor Chogsomjav ERDENEBILEG, along with member of the New Morning Society, teacher of Sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts, painter, and sculptor Sayakhuu TSENGEL, are presenting the joint exhibition "#Heritage" featuring works by their students from the 2009-2021 admissions at the Mongol Art Gallery, 3rd floor, from October 25 to 30.
📍 Exhibition Opening: October 25, 2024, at 4:00 PM
📞 For more information: 9971-1010, 9171-0999
The "#Heritage" Joint Sculpture Exhibition will showcase over 30 works by Ch. Erdenebileg, S. Tsengel, and 23 of their students.
Үзэсгэлэнгийн нээлт: 2024 оны 10 сарын 25, 16:00
Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл авах: 9971-1010, 9171-0999
"ӨВ" Уран сийлбэрчдийн хамтарсан үзэсгэлэнгээр Ч.Эрдэнэбилэг болон С.Цэнгэл болон 23 шавь нарын 30 гаруй бүтээлийг үзэх боломжтой.
Member of the Mongolian Artists' Union and teacher of Sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts, sculptor Chogsomjav ERDENEBILEG, along with member of the New Morning Society, teacher of Sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts, painter, and sculptor Sayakhuu TSENGEL, are presenting the joint exhibition "#Heritage" featuring works by their students from the 2009-2021 admissions at the Mongol Art Gallery, 3rd floor, from October 25 to 30.
📍 Exhibition Opening: October 25, 2024, at 4:00 PM
📞 For more information: 9971-1010, 9171-0999
The "#Heritage" Joint Sculpture Exhibition will showcase over 30 works by Ch. Erdenebileg, S. Tsengel, and 23 of their students.
Address: South from the Dunjingarav market, Bayanzurkh district, Баянзүрх дүүрэг, 26 хороо, (Дүнжингарав худалдааны төвийн замын урд талд)
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday - 11am to 6pm, Weekends - 11am to 5pm
Admission: Adult 10,000 MNT / Children 5,000 MNT / Students 3,000 MNT
Tel: 7719 8080
For press information and images: [email protected]
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday - 11am to 6pm, Weekends - 11am to 5pm
Admission: Adult 10,000 MNT / Children 5,000 MNT / Students 3,000 MNT
Tel: 7719 8080
For press information and images: [email protected]