11- 25 November 2022
Red Ger Creative Space
11- 25 November 2022
Red Ger Creative Space
Швейцар улсын Поскиавод авсан түүний яруу найраг мэт гэрэл зургуудаас бид малчид, жимс, эмийн ургамал тариаланчдыг харах болно. Эдгээр хүмүүс газар дэлхийтэйгээ нягт холбоотой байж, эм, хоол хүнс болох жимс жимсгэнэ, ургамалд талархаж амьдардаг. Б.Бямба нь Вале тосгонд очоод шинэ ертөнцийг нээх авч, биологийн олон төрөл зүйлийг эрхэмлэх хөдөө аж ахуйн суурь мэдлэг нь хаана ч ижил гэдгийг ойлгоно. Тэрээр газар дэлхийтэйгээ ойр байж нэгэн хэсэг нь болж ууссан хүмүүстэй биднийг танилцуулах ба эдгээр хүмүүсийг харах-амтлах-үнэрлэх-сонсох-хүрэх мэдрэхүйгээс гадна зүрх болон тархинд байх нууц нэгэн мэдрэхүйтэй гэдэгт итгэжээ.
3 дахь удаагаа хэрэгжүүлж буй Швейцар улсын Уулархаг Нутгийн Тогтвортой Хөгжлийг Дэмжих Сан (FDDM) Монголын Урлагийн 3өвлөлтэй (МУЗ) хамтран СМАрт урлангаар хангах хөтөлбөрийн хүрээнд гэрэл зурагчин Б.Бямбын “Нууц мэдрэхүй” үзэсгэлэнг олон нийтэд толилуулах гэж байна.
Уг үзэсгэлэн нь 2022 оны 11 сарын 11-наас 25 хүртэл “Улаан гэр” бүтээл орон зайд толилуулагдах юм.
In his poetic images taken in the Poschiavo valley, we meet cattle breeders and
herb and fruit growers. People linked to their land who value every gift of it,
such as those small fruits or flowers that are transformed into food or medicine.
He discovers a new world, but also realizes that the profound knowledge
of the elements of those dedicated to a type of agriculture that respects
biodiversity is universal. He introduces us to people who are closely connected to the
landscape, who melt into its enveloping light. He believes that in addition to
sight-taste-smell-hearing-touching, the farmer and the shepherd possess another
mysterious sense, perhaps hidden in the genes, between heart and head.
We are presenting “A Hidden Sense” photography exhibition by Byamba Batkhuyag as a part of the third edition of SMArt programme which was organized by Foundation for Sustainable Development in Mountain Regions (FDDM) and Arts Council of Mongolia.
The exhibition will take place within November 11-25, 2022 at Red Ger Creative Space.
3 дахь удаагаа хэрэгжүүлж буй Швейцар улсын Уулархаг Нутгийн Тогтвортой Хөгжлийг Дэмжих Сан (FDDM) Монголын Урлагийн 3өвлөлтэй (МУЗ) хамтран СМАрт урлангаар хангах хөтөлбөрийн хүрээнд гэрэл зурагчин Б.Бямбын “Нууц мэдрэхүй” үзэсгэлэнг олон нийтэд толилуулах гэж байна.
Уг үзэсгэлэн нь 2022 оны 11 сарын 11-наас 25 хүртэл “Улаан гэр” бүтээл орон зайд толилуулагдах юм.
In his poetic images taken in the Poschiavo valley, we meet cattle breeders and
herb and fruit growers. People linked to their land who value every gift of it,
such as those small fruits or flowers that are transformed into food or medicine.
He discovers a new world, but also realizes that the profound knowledge
of the elements of those dedicated to a type of agriculture that respects
biodiversity is universal. He introduces us to people who are closely connected to the
landscape, who melt into its enveloping light. He believes that in addition to
sight-taste-smell-hearing-touching, the farmer and the shepherd possess another
mysterious sense, perhaps hidden in the genes, between heart and head.
We are presenting “A Hidden Sense” photography exhibition by Byamba Batkhuyag as a part of the third edition of SMArt programme which was organized by Foundation for Sustainable Development in Mountain Regions (FDDM) and Arts Council of Mongolia.
The exhibition will take place within November 11-25, 2022 at Red Ger Creative Space.
Photo © Gallery, Artists
Exhibition Details
Title: A HIDDEN SENSE - BYAMBA Batkhuyag
Address: Red Ger Creative Space, Tourist street, Delta center, 4th floor, Room 402. (Arts Council of Mongolia office)
Dates: 11- 25 November 2022
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday, 11am to 5pm
Admission: Free
Email: [email protected]
Title: A HIDDEN SENSE - BYAMBA Batkhuyag
Address: Red Ger Creative Space, Tourist street, Delta center, 4th floor, Room 402. (Arts Council of Mongolia office)
Dates: 11- 25 November 2022
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday, 11am to 5pm
Admission: Free
Email: [email protected]